i have no idea!!
but here is the pattern elements i know for sure...
#1 be around experienced knitters who can help you along the way! apparently lots of scrapbookers knit, and thank goodness i choose to take up knitting at a scrapbooking weekend event!!
#2 just keep going till the design makes ya happy!! the original bag was to be a small handbag, it was a free pattern i received from the Knit n Knibble, but then i got greedy and wanted more!
2 skeins of cascade 220 color 8914 (green)
2 skeins of tweed cascade 220 color 7623 (brown)
size 15 24" circular needles
4 stitch markers, however, i used tied loops of yarn.
tapestry needle
so it basically started out as a bag bottom that and i quote the instructions...
- cast on 28 sts and work 14 garter stitch ridges(knit every row, 28 rows total). do not turn. place marker.
- pick up 1 stch in every garter ridge along the side (14 sts). place marker.
- pick up 28 sts along cast on row. place marker.
- pick up 14 sts along final side and place marker (this marker marks the end of the round and should be different than the others)
- knit 11 rounds (ok this is where i just kept going. i have no idea how many rounds i knitted nor was i sure just how to count them. you may be able to count from the image. and if you can, please LET ME KNOW!!...LOL)
- change to brown. (no idea how many rows! again if you can count them let me know)
- not sure how many sts i decreased by but i then began decreasing by one stitch on every side for about 3 rows to make the opening narrower.
- when i had all the rows of brown i wanted i cast off (thanks Jeanne!) all the way around leaving one side of 11sts (which was the original 14 sts - the 3 i decreased by and started building the handle. i stitched the handle long enough to fit messenger style across my chest. (again no idea how many rows.)
- when the handle was long enough i cast off.
- not sure if i did this right, but this is what i did. i cut the last stitch from the skein leaving about an 18 length, threaded a large needle through the end and attached the handle to the opposite side of the bag between the 2 markers (11 stitches side).
- cut all the markers out.
- and felted!!
did any of that make sense?
as far as the apron i am wearing, it will be a limited edition donna downey apron (so limited quantities), that will be made available in feb (after the bulk of the camera bag orders are fulfilled). fully monogrammable as well. more information will com soon.
Bonjour Donna!!!
I'm happy you take so much pleasure in knitting!
You can count your "rangs" and your "mailles" (rows?rounds?).
It's mummy the specialist at home.
For counting the "mailles", you count it when you build it on your needles. Take care not losing one!!! ;o)
It gives apparels for counting "rangs" :
or :
Mummy says that for counting it, you've got to "watch" to the "bosses" on one side, and on the "creux" on the other side. Count it, and you'll know how many "rangs" you've got.
It's difficult on the beginnings, but after, you take the habbits!
If you need some other infos that I can ask to mummy-knitting-specialist, don't hesitate, it would be a pleasure!!!
Félicitations for your purse! Go on!!!
Bises from la France!
{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}
Posted by: PROLIX from la Normandie | December 17, 2006 at 11:31 AM
Thanks for sharing Donna. I'll have to try this after the first of the year. Now you'll need to make some felted clogs to go with your bag! :)
Posted by: kristine | December 17, 2006 at 12:28 PM
DONNA! Your bag turned out PERFECT! I can't believe you learned how to knit and just "whipped one up"!
You might notice though, that if you put lots of "schtuff" in it, you might need to make a "wider" strap or a "double" strap next time so the bag doesnt cut into your VERY cute girlie!!!
Mary Ellen
Posted by: maryellencarlise | December 17, 2006 at 02:57 PM
Hi Donna, try counting the "V"s vertically (that the yarn makes for each row). Hope that helps.
Posted by: Colleen | December 17, 2006 at 03:45 PM
BTW, your felted purse is very cute - and once you tire of these, try felted sock/slippers and clogs -- amazing, soft, cozy, comfy!
There's a gadget for about $5 at M's & J's called a row counter (I think). I don't have the patience for it, so I count the v's and estimate I'm close enough.
I also make my strap a bit shorter and wider as the felting process tends to stretch some yarns/straps out.
For drying: put a plastic bag/drying clean bag, etc. over 1-2 cereal boxes - place bag over to help retain shape and hasten drying. Hope these help.
Happy scrappin, knitting, holidays, etc.
Posted by: Colleen | December 17, 2006 at 04:02 PM
Oh Donna! I knit like you do! Never tried a felted bag, but my friends say it covers all your mistakes! My kind of knitting! Well done!
Posted by: Cheri | December 17, 2006 at 05:59 PM
Love it. I started making a purse about 6 years ago....must pull it out and finish...yours looks fabola!!!!
Posted by: leah | December 17, 2006 at 06:44 PM
Oh cool. That sounds like the kind of instructions I can relate to. Thanks Donna.
Posted by: Wendy Treseder | December 17, 2006 at 09:12 PM
Hi Donna Very well done for the first finished purse.. be careful these become as addicting as scrappin, and trust me you will be selling them to all your friends. I think I am up to purse no. 236 now and still selling.
Instead of using your jeans (colour may run) You can also pick up a couple of tennis balls from the store and throw them in the wash with it. I use anywhere from 3- 4 balls. And If you find your purse a little to furry for your liking depending on the type of wool you use. I shave mine with just a cheap mens beard/moustache trimmer. Works like a hot damn.
Have fun with them.
Thanks, Andrea
PS still loving the BP classes
Posted by: Andrea Clark | December 17, 2006 at 09:35 PM
Everything you put your hands on is just amazing, little girl! If I had an ounce of the talent you have, I would freaking pinch myself every day!!!!!! Your husband is one lucky man to have such a talented, amazing, and beautiful wife. You are so stylish too. *ah* i just love everything about you!
Posted by: Donna's #1 Fan | December 17, 2006 at 10:22 PM
to heck with the knitting...i want to know where you got that cool apron?
Posted by: Shelly in the NW | December 18, 2006 at 02:09 AM
Can't knit...don't want to start ANOTHER something I can be addicted to...
BUT...I love your bag...mostly, I love the colors you chose to use. They are so cozy! It makes me wish it was big enough to just crawl inside like a large hammock and have a little nap!
ADORE the apron. WANT one...BADLY! You actually got me using an apron when I scrap (and now cook and clean too). How apropos that you would inspire me to wear an apron and now will have a lucious apron for me to covet?!?!?!?!?!?!
Posted by: Felecia | December 18, 2006 at 07:38 AM
Donna, there are about 54 green rows (not counting the bottom; only the 'v' (one 'v' is one row)) and about 20 brown rows (with some decreasing stitches halfway) and 110 rows with only knitted stiches (no purls) makes the handle what it is now ...
I did not count just for fun ... just for the pattern. I'm knitting a sweater of the most wonderful yarn (from brown to red and pink and back to brown again) and there will be some yarn left (enough for my own felted bag)!!!!
Posted by: IreneF | December 18, 2006 at 08:52 AM
Love the purse (and the apron). I think I'll have to see if my grandmother is interested in trying to make one of these!
Posted by: RScrapIT | December 18, 2006 at 01:51 PM
your bag looks great. you need to get some stitch markers so that will help you count your rows. you can use jump rings if you want.
knitting is so relaxing isn't it.
Have fun.
Posted by: Martha | December 18, 2006 at 01:51 PM
I had to buy some stitch markers becuz i could never properly count the dang rows.
YOu did an awesome job! Now you can have felted bags to match everything.
I just bought a pattern to make flowers. Race ya!!
Posted by: suetreiber | December 18, 2006 at 03:29 PM
Thanks for sharing all the details. OK, you've motivated me so give it a try. I'm going to finish up the scarf I've been working on forever and then head to the store and pick up some new yarn and *attempt* to make a purse. Thanks for the inspiration!
Posted by: Suzanne | December 18, 2006 at 06:06 PM
You need to go to the website. It is wonderful. I am a local girl if you need help. I love to knit...jeanmarie
Posted by: Jeanmarie | December 19, 2006 at 06:35 AM
Dear god woman is there ANYTHING you can't do?!! That purse ROCKS!!!!
Posted by: cindy | December 19, 2006 at 02:01 PM
yay. love that apron and i was completely wondering about it! very cool!!
Posted by: Deanna | December 19, 2006 at 05:09 PM
Great. I had managed to put that bag out of my mind, after all - it's been almost 2 weeks since you were here.
Now I have to go sign up at Knit and Knibble. All because I decided to read your blog.
Now I'll have two hobbies to obsess and micromanage. wheeeeeeeeee!!
Posted by: Monique "Type A" Crack Addict from Tampa | December 20, 2006 at 11:43 AM
Donna ... a very good scrapbooking friend of mine told me that you are a scrapper turn self-taught knitter. Welcome to the club! And now I will be following you! I can't wait to see you knit and scrap and blog about it.
And let me tell you ... the tide has turned for you. It is SOOOO easy to pick up those needles and that yarn...
Posted by: meredith | December 26, 2006 at 07:03 AM